Discover DBCC CheckIdent: Top 5 Usage

The DBCC CHECKIDENT command is a useful resource in SQL Server for controlling identity columns in database tables. Identity columns are frequently used to automatically provide distinct numerical values for each new row that is added to a table. The identity column’s current value can be inspected, changed, and, if necessary, reset using the CHECKIDENT command.


Welcome to DBCC CHECKIDENT’s tour into the world of SQL Server identity management. It is crucial to be able to manage identification columns in a seamless manner given the changing nature of database management. This DBCC command is a powerful tool that provides the ability to quickly validate and modify the values of identity columns. This article is your manual for understanding DBCC CHECKIDENT, whether you’re an experienced database administrator looking for accuracy in identity management or an inquisitive developer keen to improve your SQL Server abilities.

History of this DBCC Command

The identity column management for SQL Server has relied heavily on this DBCC command for various releases. It changed as a result of problems with identification columns and maintaining data integrity. Administrators are given the ability to easily manage correct datasets by giving them the ability to validate and change the values of identification columns.

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Advantages of this DBCC command

Advantages of DBCC CHECKIDENT are given below for more clarity & better understanding:

1. Maintenance of Identity Columns

In SQL Server, managing Identity Columns is made simple using this DBCC command. It enables you to keep track of, confirm, and manage the current identity values connected to a database.

2. Data Consistency

You may preserve data consistency and prevent conflicts while inserting new entries by validating and sometimes resetting identity values. After conducting data cleansing or migration procedures, this is quite helpful.

3. Custom Identity Seeds

You may specify a unique beginning value for the identity column using the RESEED option. If you need to align and identify information across tables or databases, this might be useful.

4. Recovery from Errors

If identity values become incorrect or misaligned for any reason, this DBCC command can assist in resolving these problems and avoiding interruptions in the performance of your program.

5. Effective Debugging

This DBCC command aids in locating any differences between real data and identity column values while investigating identity-related issues.

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Disadvantages of this DBCC command

Disadvantages of this DBCC command are given below for more clarity & better understanding:

1. Data Integrity concerns

If identity values are reset improperly using this DBCC command, there may be significant data integrity concerns. Primary key conflicts or data mismatches may result from improperly modified identity values.

2. Manual Process

This DBCC command must be manually entered, which might be time-consuming and error-prone. When selecting the RESEED option, it is crucial to determine and input the new beginning value precisely.

3. Unwanted Consequences

Resetting identity variables without fully comprehending the data flow of the application may have unwanted results. It’s critical to take the wider effect on data linkages into account.

4. Application Dependency

If the connections or logic in your application largely rely on identity values, changing these values might cause problems if done improperly.

5. Lack of Automation

Automation is lacking in this DBCC command, despite the fact that it has management capabilities. For example, it is unable to automatically increase identity values by a certain amount.

6. Performance Impact

Due to the table locks gained during the procedure, running this DBCC command on big tables may have an adverse effect on performance. Concurrent access to the table may be impacted by this.


The syntax of DBCC CHECKIDENT command is given below:

DBCC CHECKIDENT (TableName , {NORESEED} | {RESEED, NewReseedValue})

The parts are broken out as follows:

TableName: You may control the identification column of a table by specifying its name using the table_name parameter.

NORESEED: This option is used to verify the identification value as it is without making any changes.

RESEED: You can change the identity column’s existing value by selecting this option and then specifying a new value.

NewReseedValue: If you choose the RESEED option, you must supply the identity column’s new beginning value.

Some DBCC CHECKIDENT commands include


When we try to run the command on a table which does not contain identity on a column, system will throws the below error:

Table Without Indentity

When we use the above command, the system will not reset the existing identity value. After executing this DBCC command, the system will return, the current identity value as well as the current maximum value of the identity.



When we use the above command for a table, the system will reset the identity value.

DBCC CHECKIDENT (TableName, RESEED, NewReseedValue)

In the above command, we need to specify a new reseed value in .

Suppose we have a few records in our table. After executing the above command, the identity value of the first row will start from and the identity value for the last row will be NewReseedValue+ no. of row.

Permissions Required to Run DBCC CHECKIDENT

Typically, administrative-level privileges are required to execute this DBCC command. The ideal user should belong to the db_owner fixed database role or have access to modify the table’s structure.

1. Basic Usage: Use the “mEmployees” table’s identity values to check and correct them.

DBCC CHECKIDENT ('mEmployees');
Command to check the identity values

2. Reseed Identity Value: For the “mEmployees” table, set the following identity value to a certain number, such as 1000:

DBCC CHECKIDENT ('mEmployees', RESEED, 1000);
Reseed Identity Value

3. Validation and Reseed: Confirm identity values in the “Products” table and set the next value to 1200:

DBCC CHECKIDENT ('mEmployees', RESEED, 1200);

Why is DBCC CheckIdent required for SQL Server?

An essential SQL Server command for managing identity columns and ensuring the primary critical unique identifier sequence is DBCC CHECKIDENT. Ten reasons, with illustrations, explain why SQL Server need this DBCC command:

Restoring Identity Values

    The identity column does not immediately reset when rows are removed from a table. The identity value can be reset to a particular value using this DBCC command.

    For Example:

    --Command to reset the identity value of a column to start it from 1.
    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', RESEED, 10);
    Restoring Identity Values

    Closing Identity Vacuums

      In transaction rollbacks or bulk deletions, gaps could emerge in the identification column sequence. The identity column can be reseeded to the correct value using this DBCC command.

      For Example:

      --Command to set the reseed value of the identity on the table
      DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', RESEED);

      Avoiding Overflow of Identity

        There is a chance that identity values will run out in large tables with identity columns. To prevent overflow, this DBCC command assists in tracking and modifying the existing identity value.

        For Example:

        --How to check the current identity value of a table
        DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', NORESEED);

        Improving the Identity Value Following Data Import

          The identification value may not match the actual data after bulk data import. To guarantee that new inserts continue with the correct identity value, this DBCC command is used.

          For Example:

          --How to adjust identity value after data import in the table
          DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable');

          Linking Identity Columns Between Different Databases

            This DBCC command ensures identity columns stay constant and don’t cause conflicts while synchronizing data across databases.

            For Example:

            --How to Synchronize the identity value after migration of extensive data in the table
            DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', RESEED, MAX(IdentityColumnName) FROM SourceTableName);

            Handling Identity during Testing and Development

              For testing purposes, it can be helpful to reset identity columns frequently in development environments.

              For Example:

              --For testing purposes, Reset the Identity value for a table in SQL Server
              DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', RESEED, 0);

              Managing Situations for Data Recovery

                To maintain data integrity in data recovery scenarios, this DBCC command assists in resetting or adjusting identity columns.

                For Example:

                --How to manage identity value in the table after recovery
                DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable');

                Enhancing Efficiency in Large-Scale Operations

                  By ensuring identity values begin at the right place, reseeding the identity column helps improve performance during bulk insert operations.

                  For Example:

                  --How to reseed the Identity value after bulk operations
                  DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', RESEED, 1000);

                  Handling Issues with Applications

                    If the identity column is not correctly managed, applications that rely on consecutive identity values may experience problems. Such errors can be avoided with this DBCC command.

                    For Example:

                    --How to prevent app errors by correcting identity values in the table
                    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', RESEED);

                    Maintaining Data Uniformity

                      Maintaining data integrity requires ensuring the values in the identity column are consistent, particularly in relational databases with primary key constraints.

                      For Example:

                      --How to maintain data consistency by checking identity values in the table
                      DBCC CHECKIDENT ('NameOfTable', NORESEED);


                      As a vital tool for preserving the accuracy of the identity column in SQL Server, this DBCC command arises. Now that you are knowledgeable with identity management’s historical relevance and practical uses, you can manoeuvre it with accuracy. You will master the art of managing identity columns with this DBCC command by accepting the benefits, taking into account the restrictions, and putting the knowledge you’ve learned from this tutorial to use.


                      Q: What is DBCC CHECKIDENT, exactly?
                      It is an SQL Server command to check and modify values in identity columns.

                      Q: Does it affect the data?
                      Ans: Without influencing other data, it checks and updates identity values.

                      Q: Can it close identity value gaps?
                      It can reseed identification columns to fill up any gaps, which is true.

                      Q: Can it be undone?
                      The data will not be permanently altered if this DBCC command is done.

                      Q: Can it result in data loss?
                      When utilized properly, it doesn’t result in data loss.

                      Q: Is it automatable?
                      It is possible to schedule it as part of routine maintenance.

                      Q: Does it have an impact on output?
                      Running on huge tables might temporarily affect performance.

                      Q: Does it work with all tables?
                      For tables having identity columns, it is very helpful.

                      Q: Is it functional without a backup?
                      Although backups are advised, this DBCC command has no real effect on them.

                      Q: Do special privileges need to be granted?
                      Administrative privileges or rights to modify the schema are often needed.

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