Understanding the inner workings of queries is crucial in the complex world of SQL Server database management. A useful command that gives you a view into query execution and provides useful information for optimisation and debugging is DBCC INPUTBUFFER. You may learn about the features of DBCC INPUTBUFFER in this article, from its birth to its applications.


Welcome to a tour via DBCC INPUTBUFFER that explores the core of SQL Server query analysis. Understanding how queries are processed is essential for performance optimization as a database administrator or developer. DBCC INPUTBUFFER is a tool that reveals the SQL text of the query that is presently running, providing you a better understanding of the engine’s operations. This article is your manual for learning DBCC INPUTBUFFER, whether you’re new to query analysis or an experienced expert looking for deeper insights.


This DBCC command has been a part of SQL Server from its early versions. It evolved as a consequence of the need for a simple way to obtain the SQL text of the active query. This tool is quite useful for monitoring and debugging requests under real-time conditions.

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Advantages of this DBCC command

1. Query Inspection

The handy SQL Server tool this DBCC command enables you to get the SQL query that is presently running for a particular session. This is very helpful for real-time problem-solving or troubleshooting performance concerns.

2. Live Debugging

This DBCC command offers information about the precise query being conducted while debugging a session that appears to be producing problems or obstructing other processes. This aids database administrators and developers in swiftly locating the root of issues.

3. Resource Allocation

You can determine how resource-intensive a query is by examining the input buffer. Optimizing query speed and resource allocation require the use of these data.

4. Session monitoring with DBCC INPUTBUFFER

This DBCC command assists with keeping track of running sessions and the queries they generate, making it simpler to spot sluggish or troublesome queries that might be affecting database performance as a whole.

5. Security Auditing

The command may also be used as a security auditing tool, giving administrators the ability to examine the queries carried out by various users or applications—a key step in preserving data integrity.

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Disadvantages of this DBCC command

1. Limitations

This DBCC command is only able to retrieve data for the current session. It does not give a complete picture of all queries that are running throughout the whole SQL Server instance.

2. Query Modifications

If the SQL Server engine has altered the query before execution, the input buffer could not display the original query. This can make it difficult to identify the precise origin of some requests.

3. Complex Queries

When a single session runs complicated stored procedures or multi-step queries, the input buffer may only show a portion of the complete question, making it more difficult to comprehend the context of the query.

4. Performance Impact

Running this DBCC command on a system that is very busy might add some overhead since it has to access internal system files. However, unless it is done extensively, this influence is typically negligible.

5. Limited Metadata

Restricted metadata The command gives details mostly about the query text and the handle it is connected with. It doesn’t provide information on statistics, execution plans, or other performance-related measures.

6. Security issues

While DBCC INPUTBUFFER can help identify queries run by users, it also runs the risk of exposing confidential data if used by unauthorized employees. As a result, access to this command has to be restricted.

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The VIEW SERVER STATE permission or member of SysAdmin fixed server role are prerequisites for SQL Server.

Users can only examine their own session’s input buffer without any of these. This implies that the session_id and the session ID for which the command is being executed must match.


DBCC INPUTBUFFER (session_id [,request_id]) [WITH NO_INFOMSGS]

Why do we need DBCC INPUTBUFFER?

The DBCC INPUTBUFFER command in SQL Server is used for various purposes, including monitoring, troubleshooting, and performance tuning. Here is a full explanation of why we need the DBCC INPUTBUFFER:

1. Monitoring SQL Server Activity

DBCC INPUTBUFFER allows database administrators (DBAs) to monitor which commands run on the SQL Server. It is critical for evaluating the workload and detecting possibly troublesome requests.

2. Troubleshooting for Long-Running Queries

When a query or procedure takes longer than intended, DBCC INPUTBUFFER displays the specific SQL statement being run. This aids in diagnosing why a particular session is using resources or becoming stuck.

3. Identifying Blocking Issues

When one session is blocking another, DBCC INPUTBUFFER can be used to determine which blocking session is running. By studying the blocking session’s input buffer, DBAs can choose the best action to address the blocking.

4. Security and audit purposes

Understanding which instructions are being delivered to the SQL Server for security and audit concerns is critical. DBCC INPUTBUFFER can assist in auditing SQL commands executed by many users, which is beneficial for compliance and security monitoring.

5. Understanding Application Behavior

DBAs can use DBCC INPUTBUFFER to understand how apps interact with the SQL Server. By reviewing the actual SQL statements delivered by the application, DBAs can collaborate with developers to optimize queries and increase application performance.

6. Debugging Errors and Unexpected Behavior

When mistakes or unusual behaviour occur, DBCC INPUTBUFFER might show the last command run, giving insight into what caused the problem. It is especially beneficial in complex systems where numerous inquiries and transactions run concurrently.

7. Real-time Monitoring and Diagnostics

DBCC INPUTBUFFER allows DBAs to capture a session’s exact SQL statement. This real-time snapshot is necessary for:

Monitoring real-time activities: DBAs may see what commands are being executed at any given time, which helps them understand the current workload.

Diagnosing issues immediately: When a problem emerges, like a spike in resource utilization or a performance bottleneck, DBCC INPUTBUFFER gives real-time visibility into what sessions are doing.

8. Resolving performance bottlenecks

Poorly written queries or inefficient execution strategies are common causes of SQL Server performance difficulties. DBCC INPUTBUFFER contributes by:

Identifying sluggish queries: DBAs may pinpoint which queries are causing delays, allowing for targeted optimizations.

Inefficient code detection: By evaluating the exact SQL commands, DBAs can identify problematic SQL patterns such as missing indexes, unnecessary joins, or inadequate subqueries usage.

9. Understanding Application Behavior

Applications that interface with SQL Server may send unexpected or wasteful queries. The DBCC INPUTBUFFER helps to:

Analyze application-generated queries: By looking at the actual queries supplied by apps, DBAs can collaborate with developers to improve the SQL created by the application.

Identify frequent queries: Knowing which are often executed might help you prioritize indexing and optimization efforts.

10. Compliance and Security Audits

For security and compliance purposes, it is essential to guarantee that the SQL Server only executes approved and intended commands. The DBCC INPUTBUFFER supports:

Auditing user activity: DBAs can ensure that no unauthorized commands are being executed by recording the SQL statements executed by various users.

Recognizing suspicious activity: Unexpected or strange orders may indicate a security compromise. Reviewing the input buffer regularly aids in the early detection of such behaviours.

11. Debugging Blockages and Deadlocks

In database setups, deadlocks and blocking are frequent problems that can negatively affect performance. DBCC INPUTBUFFER provides support by

Identifying blocking sessions: It enables DBAs to comprehend the reason behind the block by displaying the precise command being run by the session causing it.

Resolving deadlocks: DBAs can reduce the frequency of deadlocks by redesigning queries or adjusting transaction scopes by examining the commands involved.

12. Assisting with Testing and Development

Awareness of how inquiries are carried out is helpful while working in development and testing settings. The DBCC INPUTBUFFER offers:

Debugging insight: It allows developers to see exactly what SQL Server is processing, which helps them troubleshoot complicated problems.

Verification of query executions: ensuring that the right queries are performed as anticipated during testing phases.

13. Planning and Optimizing Capacity

Comprehending the patterns of workload and commonly performed queries facilitates capacity planning and performance optimization.

Workload analysis: DBCC INPUTBUFFER can examine the most frequently asked query types to inform decisions about resource allocation or hardware improvements.

Optimization efforts: By knowing the exact queries, DBAs can concentrate their optimization efforts on the most important areas, such as building indexes or rewriting queries for improved performance.

Example 1: Retrieving the Current Session’s Query

Let’s say you want to get the query that is running right now for a session with ID 52. Use the following example:


This command will show the text of the 52nd session’s active query.

Example 2: Diagnosing Blocking Queries

You can use this DBCC command to pinpoint the query that is generating the block if you believe that a certain session is to blame for blocking difficulties in your database. Consider that session 60 is obstructed. One option is:


Example 3: Monitoring Query Execution

This will display the question that session 60 is now processing, assisting you in locating the obstruction.

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)
    WHERE session_id = 60;

You can frequently call this DBCC command to keep track of a session’s query execution in real time. You may use it like this in a loop:

This loop will show the query text that is being run in the chosen session continually.

Example 4: Auditing Query Execution

This DBCC command can be used for security audits. For instance, you may regularly query the command history to see the queries that a particular user has run:

SELECT des.session_id AS [SessionID], dest.text AS [Query], des.login_name AS [LoginName], 
des.host_name [ServerName], des.program_name [ProgramName]
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests der
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS dest
JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions des ON r.session_id = s.session_id
WHERE s.login_name = 'hps_user';

This query returns the queries that a particular user has run together with session information.

Example 5: Detecting Query Changes

If the query has been altered, this DBCC command might not display the precise query. You may use: to compare the performed query to the original.

SELECT @@ServerName AS ServerName, t.text AS OlderQuery, c.text AS LatestQuery
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.plan_handle) AS t
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS c
WHERE r.session_id = 60;

This query allows you to see any modifications the SQL Server optimizer has made by comparing the original query text with the current query text.

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Example 6: Excessive CPU Time

The DBA must determine the reason behind a high CPU utilization in a SQL Server instance:

--  Use the below T_SQL query to find the Sessions with heavy CPU usage.

SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName],
GETDATE() AS [CurrentDateTime],
Session_ID AS [SessionID], 
cpu_time AS [CPUTime]
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
ORDER BY cpu_time DESC;

Examine the input buffer for the session that uses the most CPU power.

DBCC INPUTBUFFER(108); -- Replace the session ID (108) after executing above query in your environment to get the details as per your environment.

Example 7: How to debug a blocking issue in the environment

People are saying that blocking is causing their performance to lag:

Identify blocking sessions using the below T-SQL query

SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName],
GETDATE() AS [CurrentDateTime],
Session_ID AS [SessionID],
blocking_session_id AS [BlockingSessionID]
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
WHERE blocking_session_id <> 0;

The stalled session’s input buffer should be examined.

DBCC INPUTBUFFER(108); -- Replace the session ID (108) after executing above query in your environment to get the details as per your environment.

Example 8: Compliance Auditing Commands

Reviewing the commands carried out by privileged users is necessary for routine audits:

-- Try to find out the sessions of those privileged users 

SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName],
GETDATE() AS [CurrentDateTime],
Session_ID AS [SessionID]
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE login_name = 'PrivilegedLoginID';   -- Replace the login name 'PrivilegedLoginID' as per your environment.

Verify the input buffer for every session.

DBCC INPUTBUFFER(108); -- Replace the session ID (108) after executing above query in your environment to get the details as per your environment.


DBCC INPUTBUFFER is a vital tool for SQL Server administrators and developers & proves to be a useful tool in your SQL Server toolbox by giving you easy access to query information for optimization and debugging. It enables effective monitoring, troubleshooting, performance optimization, security audits, and database management. Now that you are knowledgeable of DBCC INPUTBUFFER’s historical relevance and real-time uses, you are prepared to use it. Understanding this command will enable you to analyze queries precisely and make deft judgments to improve your SQL Server setup. This program helps DBAs maintain a secure, efficient, and optimized SQL Server environment.


Q: Can I review inquiries from previous sessions?
No, DBCC INPUTBUFFER only obtains data for queries that are currently running in the current session.

Q: How does it aid in problem-solving?
Supplying query context, it helps with problem and error diagnosis.

Q: Is it possible to view the whole execution plan using it?
No, DBCC INPUTBUFFER only displays the SQL text; it does not display the entire execution plan.

Q: Does it work well for optimizing queries?
Yes, you can find chances for optimization by studying the SQL text.

Q: Does it require specific authorizations?
To run DBCC INPUTBUFFER, administrative-level permissions are necessary.

Q: Can it evaluate previous queries?
No, it is intended for in-session real-time query analysis.

Q: Can it be undone?
Yes, invoking DBCC INPUTBUFFER has no lasting effects on the query or data.

Q: Can I use automation to use it?
It is used for immediate query analysis and is not often automated.

This SQL Server command displays the SQL text of the active session’s active query.

Q: Does DBCC INPUTBUFFER affect the speed of a query?
No, invoking the command has no effect on how the query is executed.

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