Discover Sos_Scheduler_Yield: Explore 10 Perf Killer


Although SQL Server is renowned for its stable performance, it occasionally has wait types that reduce its effectiveness. One of them is SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD, a frequent wait type that might impact query execution. This article covers the SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD wait types in full, including their history, causes, benefits, drawbacks, and practical mitigation techniques. It also offers brief … Read more

Discover Async_Network_IO: Top 5 Reason


A popular relational database management system, the SQL Server, frequently runs across different delays affecting performance. One such wait type that might impede query execution is ASYNC_NETWORK_IO. We’ll go into the specifics of ASYNC_NETWORK_ IO wait types in this post, looking at their background, causes of recurrence, benefits, drawbacks, and practical strategies to reduce them. … Read more