PAGEIOLATCH_SH: Unveiling the Secrets

This article will dive into PAGEIOLATCH_SH wait types. Understanding and controlling delay kinds is crucial for SQL server performance optimisation. Your focus should be directed towards the wait type “PAGEIOLATCH_SH.” This wait type is researching their history, examining their benefits and drawbacks, examining the causes of their occurrence, and offering practical advice on how to reduce them.


Wait kinds are essential gauges of the functionality and health of your SQL server. When SQL server processes are waiting for shared disc I/O operations to finish, PAGE IO LATCH_SH (also we can call Shared Page I/O Latch) wait types are generated. The performance of your server may be significantly impacted by these delays, thus it is crucial to recognise and fix them.

History of this Wait Type

PAGE IO LATCH_SH wait type has long been included in SQL server design. They were developed as a way to effectively manage several read operations concurrently. These wait kinds have been improved and optimized over time to provide greater performance.

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1. Improvements in Data Consistency

In order to avoid any data corruption or inconsistencies, this wait types to make sure that data is read consistently.

2. Shared Resource Administration

For multi-user SQL server deployments, these wait types enable shared access to disc resources, enabling numerous processes to read data concurrently.

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Potential for Contention

Performance bottlenecks might develop as a result of contention when several processes are waiting for the same shared I/O operations.


Although this wait types offer consistency, they can also add some overhead that may have an effect on read performance.


Excessive PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits can cause performance degradation, especially in systems where disk I/O is a bottleneck. Multiple threads waiting for data pages to be read from the disk can cause longer query response times and overall system slowdowns.

Resource Content

PAGEIOLATCH_SH Waits can signal resource contention on disk subsystems. If numerous queries or transactions try to access the same data pages simultaneously, they may compete for disk resources, causing data retrieval delays and increasing contention.

Increased Latency

Waiting for data pages to be read from disk can add latency to query processing. This delay can influence program responsiveness and user interactions, particularly in cases requiring real-time data access.

Potential Blocking

In some cases, PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits can cause blocking situations in which other queries or transactions are held up while data pages are read from disk. This blocking might cascade across numerous transactions, slowing down overall database processes.

Strain on Disk Subsystems

Heavy PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits can impose strain on disk subsystems, resulting in increased disk I/O activity and perhaps compromising the performance of other applications or services that share the same disk resources.

Maintenance Challenges

Detecting and fixing PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits can be difficult, especially in complex database settings with several concurrent transactions and variable workload patterns. Addressing the underlying reasons for these delays may necessitate rigorous performance tweaking and optimization efforts.

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Why Do PAGEIOLATCH_SH Wait Types Occur?

There are various reasons why PAGEIOLATCH_SH delay types appear in SQL servers:

Shared Disk Access

These delay types occur when several SQL server processes make simultaneous requests to read data from the same disc location.


Different processes may require concurrent access to the same data in a multi-user environment. The server experiences this wait types as it waits for the input/output (I/O) operation to finish.

Disc Congestion

PAGEIOLATCH_SH wait types can appear as processes compete for disc resources when there is a high degree of disc activity or congestion as a result of numerous read requests.

Resource Contention

Resource contention can emerge from numerous programs vying for the same disc resources, delaying data retrieval and resulting in this waits.

Inefficient Query Plans:

Poorly optimized queries or ineffective execution strategies might increase the possibility of this delays when the server struggles to read data from the disc effectively.

How to Avoid this Wait Types

Queries Optimization

This delay types can be less frequently encountered by optimizing SQL queries. Make sure your queries are well-structured, employ the proper indexes, and only obtain the information that is required.

Proper Resource Allocation

Make sure your server has enough RAM and CPU power to perform many read operations simultaneously without experiencing any noticeable delays.

Tracking Disc Activity

Keep an eye on the disc activity of your server on a regular basis to see any potential congestion or excessive I/O use. If required, think about upgrading to faster storage options.

Use Appropriate Indexing

By enabling the SQL server to access data more quickly, properly constructed indexes may considerably lower this wait times.


Ex 1:Finding the Sessions with this Waits

To determine which sessions are presently suffering this delays, use the T-SQL query below:

    DB_Name() AS DBName,
	dmvEReq.session_id [Session_ID],
    dmvEReq.status [Command],
    dmvEReq.command [Command],
	dmvEReq.wait_type [WaitType],
    dmvESqlT.text AS [SQL Text]
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests dmvEReq
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(dmvEReq.sql_handle) dmvESqlT
WHERE dmvEReq.wait_type = 'PAGEIOLATCH_SH';
Example of PAGEIOLATCH_SH wait type

The query retrieves information on the session ID, status, command, and the SQL text associated with the query in addition to searching the dynamic management views for sessions with active PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits.


Anyone who manages SQL servers has to understand this wait types. The impact of this delays can be reduced by employing the techniques described in this article, ensuring that your SQL server runs effectively.


Q: What wait kinds are PAGEIOLATCH_SH?
When SQL server processes wait for shared disc I/O operations to finish, this wait types are generated.

Q: How may PAGEIOLATCH_SH delays affect the speed of a SQL server?
Ans: They may result in performance bottlenecks, which would delay the execution of queries.

Q: How frequent are PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits?
Ans: They do exist in multi-user SQL server setups, and they are rather prevalent.

Q: Is query optimization capable of reducing PAGEIOLATCH_SH wait times?
Ans: Yes, by optimizing inquiries, their frequency may be decreased.

Q: What results in PAGEIOLATCH_SH delays that are resource-constrained?
Ans: When numerous processes fight for the same disc resources, resource contention happens.

Q: Should I think about increasing the storage on my server?
Ans: To decrease this wait times, take into account upgrading to faster storage options like SSDs.

Q: Are there any indexing best practises that may be followed to avoid PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits?

Ans: These delays may be considerably decreased with properly constructed indexes.

Q: Can PAGEIOLATCH_SH delays be caused by inadequate server resources?

Ans: Yes, a lack of memory or CPU power might make the problem worse.

Q: What should you remember in terms of controlling PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits?

Ans: Optimise queries, keep an eye on disc activity, implement suitable indexing, allot enough resources, and examine query strategies in order to reduce this delays.

Q: What does the wait type “PAGEIOLATCH_SH” actually mean?

Ans: When a SQL Server process has the this wait type, it means that it is awaiting the completion of shared (SH) disc I/O operations. Usually, these procedures aim to read data pages from the disc into the memory.

Q: How do PAGEIOLATCH_SH delays affect the speed of the database?

Ans: This waits can considerably slow down query execution, which has an adverse effect on database performance. Contention and longer user response times might result from several processes competing for the same disc I/O resources.

Q: Are PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits always a sign of a problem?

Ans: No, not always. this delays are not usually a sign of a problem, but they can be a performance bottleneck. These pauses can occasionally be expected while using SQL Server, particularly in situations with high disc I/O.

Q: Can you disregard PAGEIOLATCH_SH waits?

Ans: This delays shouldn’t be fully disregarded because they might affect the user experience. The length of these delays, however, varies depending on the workload and frequency of recurrence. It is advised to check and optimise often.

Q: How can I tell if a PAGEIOLATCH_SH delay is normal or problematic?

Ans: By examining their frequency, length, and effects on performance, this waits may be distinguished between normal and undesirable ones. The delays that need the most attention are often the ones that are frequent and prolonged and cause considerable slowing of requests.

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