8. DBCC SHRINKFILE: Unleash & Deep Dive

Effective storage utilization is an issue that cannot be ignored in the constantly changing world of database administration. Enter DBCC SHRINKFILE, a potent SQL Server tool that lets you recover unused space from data files. Understanding DBCC SHRINKFILE is essential whether you’re a database administrator attempting to optimize disc consumption or a developer trying to handle storage more efficiently. This essay will explore its history, weigh its advantages and disadvantages, give instances from the actual world, and arm you with the information you need to use this command skillfully.


The effective use of storage resources is of utmost importance in the dynamic environment of database administration, where data accumulates at an unparalleled rate. Enter DBCC SHRINKFILE, a powerful SQL Server utility that gives administrators and developers authority over the effectiveness of storage.

Consider your database to be a sizable landscape made up of important data files. These files may fragment as time goes on due to the evolution and changes that the data goes through, wasting unnecessary storage space. At this point, DBCC SHRINKFILE becomes a prominent role by offering the means to remove the extra and regain precious space that would have been made useless.

Shrink File Option

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Advantages of this DBCC Command

Advantages of DBCC SHRINKFILE are given below for more clarity & better understanding:

1. Optimized Storage Utilisation

One of the key advantages of utilizing DBCC SHRINKFILE is recovering unused space within data files. When databases are updated, data may be added, deleted, or both, leaving gaps and fragmentation in their wake. This process increases storage effectiveness by compressing data and lowering file size.

2. Cost Savings

Good storage management generates quantifiable savings. By utilizing DBCC SHRINKFILE to reduce the size of data files, you may potentially save money for your business by postponing the need for new hardware improvements or storage expansion.

3. Performance Boost

Compressing data files helps increase read and write speed. Smaller files may speed up data change and retrieval operations since they need less physical disc I/O.

4. Efficiency of Backup and Restoration

Backup and restoration procedures are expedited by smaller data files. Reduced file sizes allow for faster data backup and restoration, reducing downtime and increasing database availability in general.

Disadvantages of this DBCC Command

Disadvantages of DBCC SHRINKFILE are given below for more clarity & better understanding:

1. Fragmentation Risk

DBCC SHRINKFILE can aid in storage optimization, however, excessive usage might result in file fragmentation. Data retrieval takes more physical I/O operations to reach dispersed data blocks, which might have an impact on performance.

2. Performance Impact

Data file compression requires a lot of resources. The procedure might use a lot of server resources, which could have an impact on your SQL Server instance’s overall performance while shrinking.

3. Log File Growth

Shrinkage of transaction log files may cause frequent occurrences of log growth. Due to the frequent log file expansions, this may affect transaction log management and result in performance concerns.

4. Limited Long-Term Impact

The advantages of file compression could be transient. The performance and storage efficiency improvements made possible by shrinking may be lessened if new data is added and files need to expand once again.

5. Potential Data Loss

Although unlikely, there is a small chance that data will be lost during the shrinking process, particularly if it is not done carefully and with the right backups in place. It’s crucial to carefully test and keep an eye on the procedure.

6. Index Fragmentation

Data file compression can result in index fragmentation, which can impair query speed. After downsizing, indexes may need to be rebuilt or rearranged.

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DBCC SHRINKFILE {file_name | file_id } { , EMPTYFILE }
    | {, target_size}{ , { NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY }  
 WITH { WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY(<wait_at_low_priority_option_list>)
Script to Shrink the File

Permissions Needed to Run DBCC SHRINKFILE

In order to run DBCC SHRINKFILE, a user must have either the CONTROL or ALTER permissions on the file or the database, respectively. The required rights are normally available to members of the administrator fixed server role or the db_owner fixed database role.

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Crucial Points to Remember

A few crucial points are given to remember:


Partitioning may result from shrinking data files. To minimize the fragmentation, rebuilding indexes is advised after decreasing.

Frequent Utilization

Regular use of DBCC SHRINKFILE should be avoided as it may have a detrimental effect on performance.

Log Records

Log files can be shrunk, but before you do so—especially in a production environment—make sure the log is backed up.

Void File

When you use EMPTYFILE on a data file, the data is moved to other files in the same filegroup; the file size is not lowered.

Once the file has been emptied, you must use ALTER DATABASE to remove it.

Why is the DBCC SHRINKFILE necessary for SQL Server?

The SQL Server DBCC SHRINKFILE command controls the amount of log files and data for databases. The following justifies the possibility that this command is required:

Take Back Unused Space

Database maintenance: The database files may have a large amount of free space due to data being relocated or erased over time. This space can be recovered by shrinking the files, after which the operating system can use it again.

Control the disk space

Prevent Disk Space difficulties: By downsizing the files, you can free up space on the disk where the database files are located and avoid potential disk space difficulties that might harm the database and other applications.

Following Significant Data Errors

Post-Data Cleanup: When a significant amount of data is removed from the database, the physical file size stays the same and has a lot of free space. The file is shrunk to reflect better the volume of data it contains at this time.

Transient Size Extension

Management of Temporary Growth: Massive activities such as bulk inserts, index rebuilds, and data imports may cause databases to expand momentarily. Shrinking the files can return the footprint to a more reasonable size after these processes are finished and the space is no longer required.

Control the Growth of Log Files

Please limit the size of the log file: Shrinking the log files can control their size in circumstances where big transactions or operations cause the logs to increase quickly. This is especially true if the logs have been backed up and truncated.

Enhance Backup and Recovery

Effective Backups: When database files are smaller, backups and restorations can happen more quickly. Reducing the files may also cut down on the time and storage needed for these procedures.

A Look at Performance Factors

Minimize Fragmentation: Although shrinking may occasionally lead to fragmentation, there are instances in which carefully controlled shrinking, together with index reorganization, can assist in preserving a more optimal database structure.

Multiple Examples

Basic Usage: Shrink a data file: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N’db_data_file’, 1024);
Reclaim Unused Space: Shrink a file to free up space: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N’db_data_file’, TRUNCATEONLY);
Manage Log File: Shrink the transaction log: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N’db_log_file’, 10);

Reduce a Data File to a Certain Dimension

    The AdventureWorks database’s primary data file (AdventureWorks1) is reduced to 10 MB in this example.

    USE AdventureWorks2019;
    DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks1, 10);
    Reduce the Size of a Data File

    Reduce a Log File to a Particular Dimension

      The AdventureWorks database’s log file (AdventureWorks_log) is reduced to 5 MB in this example.

      USE AdventureWorks2019;
      DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks_log, 5);
      Reduce a Log File to a Particular Dimension

      Utilize the TRUNCATEONLY Option to Reduce a Data File

        The TRUNCATEONLY option does not relocate any data pages; instead, it releases all of the free space at the end of the file to the operating system. It is only functional if the file ends with empty space.

        --Utilize the TRUNCATEONLY Option to Reduce the size of a Data File
        USE AdventureWorks2019;
        DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks1, TRUNCATEONLY);
        Utilize the TRUNCATEONLY Option to Reduce a Data File

        Choose EMPTYFILE to shrink the log file

          All data from the designated file is moved to other files in the same filegroup when the EMPTYFILE option is used. The log file (AdventureWorks_log) is emptied in this example.

          --Use EMPTYFILE to shrink the log file File
          USE AdventureWorks2019;
          DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks_log, EMPTYFILE);
          Select EMPTYFILE to shrink the log file

          Reduce the Size of a Data File to a Shared Space Percentage

            In this example, 10% of the primary data file (AdventureWorks1)’s space is left empty by shrinking the file.

            --Reduce the Size of a Data File to a Shared Space Percentage
            USE AdventureWorks2019;
            DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks1, 10, NOTRUNCATE);
            Shrink a Data File to a Specific Size

            Resize a Particular Log File within a Database

            In this example, the AdventureWorks database’s log file (AdventureWorks_log) is reduced to 1 MB.

            --Resize a Particular Log File within a Database
            USE AdventureWorks2019;
            DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks_log, 1);

            Reduce Every Log File and Data in a Database

            The AdventureWorks2019 database’s whole contents are reduced using a loop to 10 MB for data files and 5 MB for log files.

            --Reduce Every Log File and Data in a Database
            Use [AdventureWorks2019]
            DECLARE @DatabaseFileID int, @DatabaseFileType char(1), 
            @DatabaseFileName varchar(128);
            --Declare Cursor to keep the FileID, FileType, and FileName from database_files table
            DECLARE DBFCursor1 CURSOR FOR
            SELECT File_ID, Type, Name
            FROM sys.database_files;
            OPEN DBFCursor1;
            FETCH NEXT FROM DBFCursor1 INTO @DatabaseFileID, @DatabaseFileType, @DatabaseFileName;
            WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                IF @DatabaseFileType = 0 -- 0 Means, Database Data file
                    DBCC SHRINKFILE (@DatabaseFileName, 10);
                ELSE IF @DatabaseFileType = 1 -- 1 means, Database Log file
                    DBCC SHRINKFILE (@DatabaseFileName, 5);
                FETCH NEXT FROM DBFCursor1 INTO @DatabaseFileID, @DatabaseFileType, @DatabaseFileName;
            --Close the cursor & Deallocate
            CLOSE DBFCursor1;
            DEALLOCATE DBFCursor1;
            Reduce Every Log File and Data in a Database

            Use the NOTRUNCATE option to shrink a file

            The NOTRUNCATE option rearranges the order of pages in the file; nevertheless, it does not provide the operating system access to the empty space at the end of the file.

            --Use the NOTRUNCATE option to shrink a file
            Use [AdventureWorks2019]
            DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks2, NOTRUNCATE);

            After Deleting bulk data, Shrink a File

            In this example, we decrease the primary data file (AdventureWorks2) after deleting some data from the SalesOrderDetail table.

            --After Deleting bulk data, Shrink a File (but this is not recommended by the MS).
            USE AdventureWorks2019;
            DELETE FROM Purchase.PurchaseOrder WHERE PurchaseOrderID BETWEEN 1000029655 AND 1000059655;
            DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks2);

            Reduce the size of a Particular File by Name

            In the AdventureWorks2019 database, a file called DataFile2 is shrunk to 200 MB in this example.

            --Reduce the size of a Particular File by Name
            USE AdventureWorks2019;
            DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'AdventureWorks2', 200);

            Reduce the Size of the Log File

            Reduce the Size of the Log File Following Log Truncation First, reduce the AdventureWorks_Log log file after truncating the transaction log.

            --Script to take the T-Log backup
            BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks20199 WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY;
            USE AdventureWorks;
            --Script to Shrink the log file after capturing T-Log backup
            DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'AdventureWorks_Log', 1);


            To handle SQL Server storage like a seasoned pro with a thorough grasp of DBCC SHRINKFILE. You are equipped to maximise storage efficiency while preserving database performance thanks to its historical backdrop, advantages, limitations, real-world examples, and frequently asked questions. You may make wise selections and control the storage requirements of your database by weighing the advantages and disadvantages of this command.


            Q: What is DBCC SHRINKFILE?
            It’s a SQL Server command to reduce the size of data and log files.

            Q: When should I use it?
            Use it to optimize storage, reduce fragmentation, and reclaim unused space.

            Q: Does it impact performance?
            Excessive shrinking can lead to fragmentation and performance issues.

            Q: Can I shrink log files?
            Yes, you can shrink both data and log files.

            Q: How often should I use it?
            Use it sparingly to avoid performance degradation.

            Q: Can it recover unused space?
            Yes, it reclaims space by moving data pages to the beginning of the file.

            Q: Can it shrink files instantly?
            Yes, with TRUNCATEONLY option, but be cautious about fragmentation.

            Q: Can it lead to file growth?
            Shrinking log files might trigger frequent growth events.

            Q: Does it affect backups?
            Shrinking can impact backup sizes and strategies.

            Q: Can I automate it?
            Yes, through scheduled jobs, but ensure careful monitoring.

            Q: Can you use DBCC SHRINKFILE on both log and data files?
            Ans: Yes, both data and log files may be utilized with DBCC SHRINKFILE. The two file formats’ ramifications and concerns vary, nevertheless.

            Q: Does data integrity suffer from DBCC SHRINKFILE?
            Ans: No, DBCC SHRINKFILE doesn’t directly affect data integrity; instead, it optimizes storage. However, poor application or excessive shrinkage may result in problems.

            Q: Is it a universal answer to recovering space?
            Ans: No, DBCC SHRINKFILE should only be employed sparingly. Although it frees up space, it may not be appropriate in all situations and, if used excessively, may fragment data or cause performance problems.

            Q: Is it possible to reduce a file to any size?
            Ans: Yes, while using DBCC SHRINKFILE, you may provide the desired target size. However, selecting a size necessitates taking future requirements and database growth patterns into account.

            Q: What occurs if I decrease a data file excessively?
            Ans: Data files might become fragmented and perform poorly if they are shrunk excessively. Finding the right balance between performance impact and space reclamation is crucial.

            Q: How frequently need to I use DBCC SHRINKFILE?
            Ans: When considerable quantities of space have been useless, DBCC SHRINKFILE should only be used seldom. Regular shrinking is typically not advised because of potential risks.

            Q: Can indexes be affected by smaller data files?
            Ans: Yes, index fragmentation can result from smaller data files. To retain optimal query performance after decreasing, think about rebuilding or rearranging indexes.

            Q: Can data loss be caused by DBCC SHRINKFILE?
            Ans: Data loss may occur if DBCC SHRINKFILE is used improperly, albeit this is uncommon. Before executing the command, make sure to make a backup and properly test it in a safe setting.

            Q: Should I often shrink log files?
            Ans: When log files are shrunk too frequently, log growth events become frequent and have an impact on performance. Instead of depending exclusively on decreasing, proactive growth management of log files is advised.

            Q: Is DBCC SHRINKFILE a suitable replacement for appropriate database upkeep?
            Ans: No, DBCC SHRINKFILE is a tactical approach to storage optimisation; it does not, however, take the place of thorough database maintenance procedures like index upkeep, statistics updates, and routine backups.

            Q: Can DBCC SHRINKFILE be automated?
            Ans: Although DBCC SHRINKFILE may be automated using SQL Server Agent processes, doing so necessitates careful planning to make sure that automated shrinking is consistent with your storage management approach.

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