Understanding and controlling wait kinds is essential for improving SQL server performance. LCK_M_IS, or Lock Manager Intent Shared, is a wait type that appears when several SQL Server transactions or processes simultaneously seek shared locks on a resource. These joint locks signify a desire to read data without changing it.
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A typical need in the realm of relational databases is concurrent access to data. It’s possible that several users and apps will need to access the same data at once. However, it is crucial to guarantee data consistency and avoid conflicts. Here, locking mechanisms are important, and LCK_M_IS wait types have a close connection to them.
A Glimpse into History
Understanding the relevance of the LCK_M_IS wait type requires a quick review of the evolution of SQL servers. Over time, locking systems have changed to offer improved control over data access. Lock contention was a major issue in the beginning, which caused performance bottlenecks.

Modern SQL server technology has allowed for the creation of more complex locking systems, such as intent locks like LCK_M_IS. These locks enable SQL Server to more effectively manage resources while maintaining data integrity.
Advantages and Disadvantages of LCK_M_IS Wait Type
In relation to intent locks, the “LCK_M_IS” wait type (Lock Manager Intent Shared) has the following benefits and drawbacks:
A few advantages of LCK_M_IS Wait Type in SQL Server are given below for better clarity:
Intent Lock
A shared lock on a resource will soon be acquired, as indicated by the intent lock LCK_M_IS. It informs other transactions that consideration is being given to sharing access to the resource.
Concurrency Control
Concurrency control is aided with intent locks, such as LCK_M_IS, which indicate a desire to read a resource. This permits parallel read operations by preventing other transactions from getting exclusive locks on the same resource while the intent-shared lock is held.
Resource Reservation
The resource is set aside for shared access via the intent-shared lock. It guarantees that shared access may be given without causing conflicts by preventing other transactions from getting exclusive locks on the resource.
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A few disadvantages of LCK_M_IS Wait Type in SQL Server are given below for better clarity:
LCK_M_IS wait type is frequently used to indicate the reader’s purpose. However, it occasionally causes blockage. If another transaction tries to obtain an exclusive lock on the same resource while a transaction with the same purpose is holding an intent-shared lock on it, the transaction may be blocked until the intent-shared lock is relinquished.
Deadlock Risk
Intent locks, such as LCK_M_IS, can result in deadlock situations where several transactions compete for resources with conflicting intents (for example, one attempts to read while another plans to change). Deadlocks may hamper the regular operation of SQL Server.
Concurrency Impact
Even though they allow concurrent read operations, intention-shared locks can considerably reduce concurrency. When many transactions need to access the same resource simultaneously, there may be competition for the intent-shared lock, which would slow down query processing.
Resource Contention
When many transactions aim to read the same resource simultaneously, competition for intent-shared locks may occur. This conflict may cause query execution to lag and affect performance.
LCK_M_IX Wait Type: A Deep Dive
Why LCK_M_IS wait type Matter in SQL Server
In SQL Server, LCK_M_IS wait type (Lock Manager Intent Shared) is crucial for several reasons:
Concurrency Control
LCK_M_IS wait types are essential to SQL Server’s ability to control concurrency. They signify a desire to have concurrent access to a resource that will let many transactions read data from it. This keeps multi-user database environments’ data concurrency levels at high levels.
Resource Reservation
LCK_M_IS and other intent-shared locks are examples of resource reservation techniques. They let other transactions know that a resource could have shared access. This reserve stops competing activities, like exclusive locks, from being acquired concurrently on the same resource.
Data Consistency
LCK_M_IS locks enable concurrent readings while supporting data consistency. By ensuring that read operations paint a consistent image of the data, and by forbidding exclusive additions to a resource while shared locks are held, they increase data integrity.
Deadlock Avoidance
Avoiding deadlock requires using intent locks, which are essential. They communicate the objective of one transaction to other transactions. By making informed judgments in light of this knowledge, transactions can avoid potential deadlock instances when they are waiting for each other to release locks.
Speed of Queries
Intent-shared locks may be effectively managed to increase query speed. Because of this, query processing times are decreased, and overall database performance is improved, especially for workloads that include a lot of reading.
Resource Contention
LCK_M_IS locks assist in reducing resource contention by allocating resources for shared access. As a result, resource access conflicts and delays are minimized, resulting in query execution that is smoother and more predictable.
Why LCK_M_IS Wait Type Matter in SQL Server
In SQL Server, LCK_M_IS wait type (Lock Manager Intent Shared) is crucial for several reasons:
Control of concurrency
The LCK_M_IS wait type is essential for SQL Server’s concurrency management. They signify a desire to have concurrent access to a resource that will let many transactions read data from it. This keeps multi-user database environments’ data concurrency levels at high levels.
Reserving Resources
LCK_M_IS and other intent-shared locks are used to reserve resources. They let other transactions know that a resource could have shared access. This reserve stops competing activities, like exclusive locks, from being acquired concurrently on the same resource.
Reliable Data
LCK_M_IS locks enable concurrent readings while supporting data consistency. By ensuring that read operations paint a consistent image of the data, and by forbidding exclusive additions to a resource while shared locks are held, they increase data integrity.
To avoid a deadlock
Intent locks are essential for avoiding deadlocks. They communicate the objective of one transaction to other transactions. By making informed judgments in light of this knowledge, transactions can avoid potential deadlock instances when they are waiting for each other to release locks.
Query Effectiveness
To increase query performance, intent-shared locks should be correctly controlled. Because of this, query processing times are decreased, and overall database performance is improved, especially for workloads that include a lot of reading.
Reference Content
LCK_M_IS locks lessen resource contention because they reserve resources for shared access. As a result, resource access conflicts and delays are minimized, resulting in query execution that is smoother and more predictable.
Why Do LCK_M_IS Wait Type Occur
The leading cause of LCK_M_IS (Lock Manager Intent Shared) delay types in SQL Server is as follows:
Intent to Acquire Shared Lock
When a transaction in SQL Server plans to acquire a shared lock on a resource (such as a table, page, or row) shortly, LCK_M_IS waits to take place. The transaction first gets an intent-shared (LCK_M_IS) lock to let other transactions know what it intend to do before getting the shared lock.
Concurrency management
Intent locks, such as LCK_M_IS, are essential for concurrency management. They prohibit other transactions from obtaining exclusive locks on the same resource. In contrast, the transaction holds the intent-shared lock by signaling the intent of the transaction to read the resource.
Resource Reservation
The resource is set aside for shared access by the intent-shared lock. It guarantees that shared access may be given without causing conflicts by preventing other transactions from getting exclusive locks on the resource.
Deadlock Avoidance
Intent locks, like LCK_M_IS, aid in deadlock avoidance by informing other transactions of a particular transaction’s intents. Transactions can avoid possible deadlock situations when they are waiting for each other to release locks by making smart decisions as a result of this understanding.

How to Prevent SQL Server LCK_M_IS Wait Types
A few preventive steps are given below to avoid LCK_M_IS Wait Types in SQL Server:
Optimize Queries
Make sure your SQL queries are well-optimized to reduce the amount of time needed to acquire locks.
Proper Indexing
Use effective indexing techniques to ease the pressure on data pages.
Transaction Isolation Levels
To balance concurrency and data consistency, adjust the transaction isolation settings as necessary.
Monitor and Tune
Keep an eye on the performance of your SQL server and tweak the settings related to locks.
We have covered every aspect of LCK_M_IS wait types in SQL Server in this extensive article. It’s essential to comprehend these locks, their benefits and drawbacks, and how to manage them if you want to keep your SQL server-based applications operating at peak efficiency and retaining the integrity of your data.
Q: What is LCK_M_IS wait type?
Ans: Lock Manager Intent Shared is the abbreviation for this. It happens when several transactions ask the SQL Server for shared locks on a resource.
Q: Why is it crucial to use shared locks?
Ans: Multiple transactions can access data simultaneously without modifying it in conflict because of shared locks.
Q: How may LCK_M_IS locks impact the speed of an SQL server?
Ans: LCK_M_IS locks can cause sluggish query response times and decreased system performance if improperly maintained.
Q: What benefits do LCK_M_IS locks offer?
Ans: LCK_M_IS locks improve concurrency, preserve data consistency, and lessen the chance of deadlock.
Q: What drawbacks do LCK_M_IS locks have?
Ans: They may restrict write access and need intricate management.
Q: How can I keep away from LCK_M_IS wait types?
Ans: Adjust transaction isolation settings, establish adequate indexing, optimize queries, and keep an eye on server speed.
Q: LCK_M_IS locks—are they exclusive to SQL Server?
Ans: LCK_M_IS is unique to the locking mechanism of SQL Server.
Q: Do LCK_M_IS locks have the potential to corrupt data?
Ans: They do not damage data; instead, they avoid data conflicts.
Q: What additional forms of waits are typical in SQL Server?
Ans: LCK_M_X, PAGEIOLATCH, and CXPACKET are among the common wait kinds.
Q: How do I identify and fix LCK_M_IS wait types?
Ans: Analyse query execution plans using the performance monitoring tools provided by SQL Server.
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