Sos_Scheduler_Yield: Performance Killer

Although SQL Server is renowned for its stable performance, it occasionally has wait types that reduce its effectiveness. SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD, a frequent wait type that might impact query execution, is one of them. The SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD wait types are covered in full in this article, including their history, causes, benefits, drawbacks, and practical mitigation techniques. It also offers succinct responses to a few frequently asked questions concerning SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays.


SQL Server promises to provide responsive performance in the dynamic world of database administration. But even well-optimized queries occasionally run into problems, and SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD is a common offender. When a SQL Server task willingly concedes the processor to another task, SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays happen. The secrets of SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays are revealed in this article, along with their causes and solutions.


A key component of SQL Server’s performance optimization technique for many years has been the idea of surrendering the processor to other activities. Its roots may be found in the requirement to keep task concurrency and resource allocation in balance. Although SQL Server has improved how it handles these pauses over time, they still play a crucial role in performance management.

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Control of concurrency

SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD is essential for preserving concurrency and avoiding CPU monopolization by a single process or query. It guarantees equitable CPU resource distribution across several processes or queries executing at once. This stops a single resource-intensive or lengthy query from obstructing other processes.


SQL Server keeps the system responsive by relinquishing the CPU scheduler when a process doesn’t have work that has to be done right away. This is crucial in multi-user database systems because it guarantees that the database will continue to respond to multiple user queries.

Resource Sharing

This wait type enables SQL Server to effectively divide CPU time across several jobs, increasing the efficiency with which system resources are used. It helps to distribute resources in a more even and streamlined manner.

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Performance Costs

This wait type can cause performance overhead when it occurs frequently. As SQL Server changes between jobs, there is context-switching cost when a process surrender the CPU scheduler. This context shift uses more CPU time and may have an effect on query speed as a whole.


It can be challenging to manage SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays, particularly in contexts with high task demand. Resource allocation and concurrency management must be optimised and carefully considered.


There may be a delay in query execution in circumstances when there are several concurrent jobs and frequent scheduler yields. Some tasks might have to wait for their turn to run, which might cause some requests to respond more slowly.

Challenges in Resource Allocation

Underutilization of CPU resources is occasionally caused by inefficient resource distribution or high task yields. Reduced throughput and less than ideal system performance may result from this.

Hardness of Tuning

It’s important to have a thorough understanding of the workload and query patterns before tuning the SQL Server instance to efficiently handle SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays. Finding the ideal balance between concurrency and resource allocation may be difficult.

Long-Running Queries’ Effect

This wait type assists in preventing long-running queries from obstructing others, but it can also result in long-running queries being interrupted. If you have important, time-consuming activities, this may not be advantageous.


There are particular reasons why this wait types in SQL Server occur linked to how SQL Server manages concurrency and CPU resources. When a job or thread in SQL Server voluntarily concedes the CPU scheduler, these delays take place. Why do SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays happen?

SELECT wait_type AS WaitType, waiting_tasks_count AS WaitingTasksCount,Wait_time_ms as [WaitTime(In MS)]
FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats WHERE wait_type = 'SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD'
SOS SCHEDULER Waiting Task Count

Control of concurrency

SQL Server is built to effectively manage several jobs or queries at once. The SQL Server scheduler controls the distribution of CPU resources among various threads, each executing on its distinct threads. SQL Server employs methods like this wait type to provide fair and equitable CPU resource allocation when there are several jobs vying for CPU time.

Keeping Monopolisation at Bay

To avoid any one job or query monopolizing the CPU, one of the main purposes of SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD. Without safeguards like SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD, a resource-intensive or lengthy query might potentially monopolize the CPU, degrading system responsiveness and preventing the completion of other operations.

Voluntary Yielding

A process or thread may voluntarily perform SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD. It happens when a job willingly releases the CPU after realizing it has no urgent work to accomplish. The job permits other tasks to operate and make use of the CPU resources by relinquishing the CPU scheduler.

Maintaining Consistency

SQL Server is able to balance task parallelism and resource allocation with the aid of SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD. A job indicates its readiness to share CPU time with other processes when it yields the scheduler, which helps the scheduler distribute CPU resources more evenly and smoothly.

System Responsiveness

SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD plays a critical role in ensuring that SQL Server is responsive to varied user demands in a multi-user scenario. It contributes to the maintenance of system responsiveness and prevents requests from becoming unresponsive as a result of resource contention by preventing CPU resource monopolization.

Context Switching

There is a context-switching cost when a process surrenders the CPU scheduler because SQL Server changes execution from one task to another. Although this expense has drawbacks, it is a necessary compromise to provide equitable resource distribution and concurrency management.

How to Avoid SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD Wait Types

It’s important to optimize different elements of your SQL Server configuration, query design, and workload management to avoid SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD wait types in SQL Server. While you cannot completely avoid these delays, you may take precautions to lessen their frequency. Following are some tips to assist you in preventing or minimizing SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD waits:

Optimize Queries and Indexes

The amount of time a query takes to execute may be considerably decreased by effective query architecture and indexing. Be careful to optimize your queries, and utilize the right indexes to boost query performance.

Parallelism Configuration

The parallelism settings for the SQL Server should be adjusted to your workload and hardware. The requirement for jobs to yield the scheduler can be decreased by proper setup. If you want to manage query execution in parallel, think about utilizing the MAXDOP (Maximum Degree of Parallelism) parameter.

Resource Distribution

Make sure your SQL Server instance has enough CPU power to handle the workload you have. If CPU resources are frequently under-provisioned, keep an eye on CPU consumption and think about hardware improvements.

Managing tasks and threads

To reduce context switching, carefully organize threads and processes in your program. Scheduler yields can be avoided by reducing the workload on the CPU and the number of threads and activities contending for CPU time.

Queries in Bulk

When it’s feasible, group related inquiries together. Batching numerous inquiries into a single execution will reduce the cost associated with context switching.

Limit Frequent Context Switching

By properly controlling worker threads, reduce wasteful context switching across threads. Avoid situations when the CPU is regularly cycled among many threads.

Profiling and monitoring

Keep an eye on the performance and wait for statistics of SQL Server to spot and fix any bottlenecks relating to SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays. Performance problems can be detected with the use of profiling tools.

Workload evaluation

Analyze the patterns of your workload in great detail. Examine workload optimization by determining which queries or processes are frequently resulting in SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays.

Resource Manager

To distribute CPU resources among various workloads or resource pools, think about utilizing the SQL Server Resource Governor. This can aid in prioritizing important tasks.

Cutting Back on Long-Running Queries

Find the long-running queries that are more likely to return the scheduler, and then improve or modify them. Waits can be reduced by speeding up these queries’ execution.

Hardware Tuning

Upgrade hardware, such as the CPU or RAM, if at all possible to better accommodate your workload’s concurrent requirements.

Check out the third-party components

Make sure that any third-party software or components you use in your SQL Server environment are compatible with your SQL Server version and optimized for it.

Continual Upkeep

To maintain your database operating effectively, carry out routine database maintenance procedures including statistics updates and index rebuilds.

Test and Watch

After making changes, carefully assess their effects on your SQL Server environment and keep an eye on performance to make sure SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD delays are kept to a minimum.


SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD The performance management approach for SQL Server includes delays as a key component. You may improve the speed and responsiveness of your SQL Server by balancing resource allocation and concurrency management by comprehending their causes and utilizing optimization strategies.



Ans: The SQL Server wait type SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD appears when a process willingly concedes the CPU scheduler so that other jobs may run.

Q: SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD occurs for what reason?

Ans: It takes place to provide equitable CPU resource distribution across various workloads and to keep the system responsive.

Q: Does performance suffer as a result of SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD?

Ans: Although it might cause performance costs if jobs often relinquish the scheduler, concurrency control depends on it.

Q: Can delays caused by SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD be completely avoided?

Ans: Although they can’t be entirely removed, they can be reduced with wise resource management and query optimization.

Q: How can my queries be improved to cut down on SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD wait times?

Ans: Utilise effective indexing, query design, and coding to optimize queries.

Q: What parallelism options are available in SQL Server, and how do they impact SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD?

Ans: How SQL Server handles simultaneous query execution is determined by parallelism settings. Scheduling yields can be decreased with proper configuration.

Q: What effect does SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD have on the execution of simultaneous queries?

Ans: While awaiting the completion of other tasks, tasks may surrender to the scheduler in parallel inquiries.

Q: Are there tools to monitor SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD waits?

Ans: To keep track of wait statistics, SQL Server offers Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) and performance monitoring tools.

Q: Can blocking result from SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD wait?

Ans: They are associated with concurrency control but do not directly result in blocking. Excessive wait times, however, might harm performance as a whole.

Q: What part does SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD play in keeping the system stable?

Ans: SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD is essential for guaranteeing equitable task execution, eliminating CPU resource monopolization, and preserving system responsiveness.

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